massages / informations
Sports massage is a specifically therapeutic technique that meets the needs of athletes. This massage is unique in that it aims to release specific tensions and prepare the body for a given activity. Communication between the therapist and the client is essential since the latter undoubtedly has a very precise idea of the effects sought by the massage.
Sports massage is naturally aimed at athletes, but not only professional athletes; anyone who practices physical activity on a regular basis will benefit. Used both in preparation for training and for recovery, sports massage is the ideal ally for pampering the body from which a lot is asked. It aims to preserve the mobility and flexibility of the joints as well as to relieve musculo-articular pain linked to training.
Deep tissue massage is a technique which consists of gripping and stretching the tissues with the aim of releasing the deep muscle fibers between the different layers of muscles and fascia as well as the postural muscles. This method is frequently used in clinical massage therapy, physiotherapy and orthotherapy.
With a so-called therapeutic field of action, deep tissue massage excels in muscle relaxation and the improvement of locomotor problems. Done well, it can also lead to some relaxation.
Therapeutic treatments are increasingly used to relieve pain caused by various problems and to prevent the appearance of muscular or joint problems. By working on fascia and muscle chains, tensions and spasms, therapeutic massage reduces pain and discomfort.
Reduces the effects of stress on the body
Relieves muscle tension
The relaxation massage immerses the body in a state of deep relaxation. To achieve this, therapists use several techniques. Among them, Swedish massage is undoubtedly the best known and one of the most appreciated. But far from limiting themselves, therapists today use a host of techniques, each responding to very specific needs.
Reduce the effects of stress on the body; Improve the quality of sleep; Relieve musculo-articular pain; Facilitate blood circulation; Optimize the functioning of the digestive system and vital organs.
Trigger points are congested points in muscle tissue that can radiate pain to other areas. The technique that bears this name consists of applying pressure to a reflex point with the aim of forcing the nervous system to relax a particular region. Inspired by acupressure (digitopuncture), the trigger point technique is often combined with massage and can be integrated into any form of manual therapy.
Although unpleasant to receive at the time, the trigger point technique is effective in releasing very tense muscles. By acting on a trigger point, we can release muscular tension located in another segment of the body
prevention advice
Avoid any sporting activity that requires jumping. Avoid bending and twisting movements. Vary your postures (standing, sitting or lying down) to avoid staying in the same position for too long.
Sciatica (or sciatica) is lower back pain very often caused by a herniated disc which compresses the sciatic nerve.
The pain continues down one side of the body along the thigh and may extend to the toes.

For your comfort, lie down on a massage table, covered with a heating blanket adjusted to your liking.
Insurance receipts available.